Ticketing Systems

Click on the icon/Issue type to go to the respective portals

Freshdesk Tickets

Report any bug/ tech issue, product related query to OMS, Ziso, Workflows , MSD365, EQS, ZPS etc.

Freshdesk request like vendor reset, payment scheduling, Auto-tickets created from OMS system (SO, Bill verification) etc.

Product creation request/ Warehouse/HSN/SAC<>Tax Request

Get Product bulk upload template - here

Product Access Forms

Portal to create Customers, PO, SO, Bills, invoice, Payments etc.

Platform where the reports & dashbords can be seen

Product used to maintain Enquiries, generate offers,  document reposition etc

To be filled by employees to get access to Zetsup Portal; this is used to on-board suppliers & vendors.

To be filled by employees to get access to ZISO  Portal; This portal is used for Project Planning, ZAQ, BOM preparation etc.

To be filled by employees to get access to ZHIP  Portal; This portal is used to track zetwerk shipments to customers

To be filled by employees to get access to ProcureZ Portal; this is used for PR, RFQ creation in Procurement

Product/Platform Links

NOTE - In case of any additional support/ help required please reach out to ZOS Support Team